The Last Dragonkeeper! And a Few Other Tidbits

Hello and happy Memorial Day weekend for everyone in the States.

This upcoming week marks a new release, with The Last Dragonkeeper hitting digital shelves for both Kindle and Paperback. I’m excited about this one because it’s one I’ve been sitting on for a long time, poking at, writing supplementary works, doing worldbuilding, and basically everything but releasing it. I plan on turning this into a series, and possibly releasing other works within the world, but that’s further down the road.

I plan on having two more works released this year, both trending more toward the horror side of things. The first is a short story collection entitled The Darkest Corners. I initially intended on releasing this one last year, but got sidetracked by other things (namely getting The Burial out the door). I’ve picked it back up, however, and am in the process of editing. If everything goes well, it should be out in the end of summer or beginning of fall.

The other one is the first of a planned trilogy (and maybe more, I have a ton of ideas for this universe) entitled The Heart of the Beast. For those who subscribe to my Patreon, you’ll know this as the book I wrote for Nanowrimo last year. The editing process will be a bit more intensive for this one, as is usually the case for Nanowrimo books, but I’m hoping to have it out before this year’s Nanowrimo in November, with a plan to write the next installment during the event. Cover reveals and preorder info on both will be forthcoming over the next few months.

Finally, one of the things I do want to pick up on again is my Earthman series, which has made appearances on both my Patreon and on /r/RedditSerials. I have plans to continue the series, including making it available in complete formats on Kindle and in Paperback. It’s another universe that has rooms for a lot of stories that I’d really like to flesh out further. Nothing concrete yet, but it’s definitely coming.

That’s it for today. Hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend. Be sure to pick up a copy of Last Dragonkeeper, and as always, keep reading!