Drew was born in Austin on June 8th, sometime in the Reagan years. Even as a youth, he showed a propensity for writing, starting with his own rendition of Jurassic Park when his parents dubbed him too young to see the real thing.

As he grew, his writing grew with him, growing more and more original by way of short stories, novellas (though they seemed like novels at the time), and screenplays, until a chance discovery of online writing forums and an entry into Nanowrimo led to his first published book, The Plague.

Since The Plague, he has released numerous works, whether published novels such as The Burial, Taika Town, and Gods of the Deep, short story collections such as The Darkest Corners, or loose works on subreddits such as /r/WritingPrompts and /r/RedditSerials. He continues to write, even as he works a day job making video games.

Drew currently lives in Houston with his wife, son, and pets. Besides writing, he enjoys sports (especially baseball and football), video games, reading, traveling, and trying different beers.